a collection of literature from poets, bards, songwriters, and skalds in the SCA


Songstress73's picture
SCA Name: 
Sigriðis "GALA" Eiriksdottir
An Tir
About (Vida): 

Lærimoðir (Mistress) Sigriðis "GALA" Eiriksdottir lives in the Shire of Lionsdale, in the Principality of Tir Righ, in An Tir. Her primary areas of interest are Scandinavian Folk Music, especially Scandinavian Balladry, Kulning & Joik. She is foremost a vocalist, but also a multi-instrumentalist, and particulary loves to play her many Lyres best. She is also an actor who is involved with the "An Tir Plaiers", a travelling Shakespeare troupe in An Tir, who rehearses online via "Skype" and performs at various events in An Tir after little or no face-to-face rehearsal or blocking on the day.
It will come as no surprise to anyone who know her that she is a gigantic NERD and loves researching obscure music STUFF, going on wild goose chases for impossible information, writing papers on the STUFF she finds and inflicting them on anyone who will sit still long enough.
She can be found on (some of those afforementioned nerdy papers), her YouTube channel (songstress73) or on or on Facebook at
